Alt-Text as Poetry Collaboration with Shannon Finnegan
Alt-text is an essential part of web accessibility, making visual content accessible to blind people and people with low vision. It is often overlooked altogether or understood through the lens of compliance, as an unwelcome burden to be met with minimum effort. How can we instead approach alt-text thoughtfully and creatively? This project reframes alt-text as a type of poetry and creates opportunities to practice writing it.
Places where Bojana has Presented Alt-Text as Poetry:
Online webinar for Leslie Lohman Museum in collaboration with Eyebeam, and NYU Grey Gallery
Eyebeam’s Digital Day Camp at SVA
Gallatin School of Individualized Study, NYU
Refiguring the Future, Knockdown Center Refiguring the Future.
Lincoln Center
NYU Department of Media, Culture and Communication
Crip Imponderabilia
The title of the show, “Crip Imponderabilia” takes it’s meaning from the repurposed word “cripple” and the anthropological word “imponderabilia”, which refers to all the mundane, almost invisible everyday actions of a culture. Each work will reflect this idea, but each work will be created with their own experience as a disabled person as well as how the work can be experienced by disabled and non disabled visitors.
This exhibit will be an example for Gallatin and other NYU galleries as to what can be done to make the gallery as accessible as possible to disabled people but also how disability aesthetics/access can actually bring about innovation and a different way to disrupt the traditional art space. Treating the gallery experience as more of a process here we are exchanging ideas as well as a place where you could sit on the floor, move things around, touch, play games whenever is another way to break up how bodies usually operate in gallery spaces.